Timur Suleymanov visits Davos

The member of central office of Association Of Students of Russia and CEO of Selet Found Timur Suleymanov participated in the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
"The World Economic Forum in Davos is a tremendous platform uniting most serious economic players in the world. Over 1,5 thousand business leaders from more than 25 different spheres and 140 different countries, more than 300 people representing the governments of 40 different states, 250 members of the media and more than 100 outstanding cultural figures participated in the 45th forum, - says Suleymanov.
For instance, here are some names of the organizations participating in the Forum: Microsoft, Google, Forbes, Cisco, IBM, Sberbank, VTB, Yahoo, Facebook, Siemens, Tumblr, Bank of America. "What is important, the organizations are mostly represented by their heads", - CEO of Selet Found added.
"I was honored to be one of the 50 people representing youth as a member of the Global Shapers Community. Shapers have offices in 400 cities worldwide and every year 50 people from among associates are selected for participation in the WEF on a competitive basis.
Everything that occurs here really impresses and inspires me. It is not only an opportunity to soak up the ideas and opinions of the world experts, but also a chance to get acquainted with outstanding scientists, business, culture, public figures", - says Suleymanov.
Timur noted that the highlight of the Forum for him was a meeting with David Karp, the founder of the Tumblr platform who "struck him with the openness and readiness to help with implementation of projects".