Timur Suleymanov in Davos

The executive director of "Selet" Timur Suleymanov took part in the annual World Economic Forum in Davos as a representative of the global community of "shapers" of the World Economic Forum and as a member of the Academy of Youth Diplomacy "Selet”. The forum was held in January. He shared with his emotions about the Forum on February 26. There were representatives of the “The Academy of youth diplomacy" and journalists from different media of our Republic.
Timur is one of the 10 members of the Kazan Branch of the Global Shapers Community. Also there are head of the academy of youth diplomacy Dilbar Sadykova, the director of IT-park Anton Grachev, beat-boxer Mitya Burmistrov and pianist Leah Nigmati among shapers in Kazan.
Global Shapers is an international youth movement, which was founded by the initiative of the World Economic Forum in Davos. That is why people call them "komsomol from Davos" sometimes. It is believed that the movement unites young leaders (aged from 20 to 33 years) all over the world, who have already succeeded in different activities (art, science, business or sports) and want to help their region. The organization has 2.5 thousand participants. In Russia you can meet shapers in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Kaliningrad and Grozny. In Kazan the branch of Global Shapers Community appeared in October 2013 and attracted the attention of the press and the government of Tatarstan.
Timur Suleymanov told how he got to the forum: "The World Economic Forum gives an opportunity to represent the voice of the youth and the voice of his country. 5000 wanted to get to the Forum, but only 50 people can take part in it. There were different people: heads of state, ambassadors and public people. Seeing my name among them was a shock and happiness for me. And when I saw my picture on the official account of the Forum, I felt like a star ".
Forum activities were divided into three parts: morning, afternoon and evening sessions. Also participants can take part in different evening events, so-called "parties." "Usually, these parties are very interesting and exciting, they are not just for having fun, also they are devoted to the communication. Even if you do not have any strength, you will go there with pleasure, "- Timur Suleymanov shared with his impressions.
"I must admit that all forum members do different things: someone works in the sphere of youth policy, someone works with environmental problems, someone copes with poverty. But everyone wants to change the world and make it better.it was an unique opportunity to look at the people, who form the modern picture of the world, to adopt their experience, moreover, to communicate with them. I would call this forum as the fairy moment of my life "- said Timur.
At the end of the evening Timur showed photos and videos from his own camera, answered the questions of the audience.