The Olimpiad training school “Selet-Olymp”

The “Selet-Olimp” School of Olympiad preparation and preparation for school exams is held thanks to the Republic youth public Fund “Selet” together with the Ministry of education and science and the Ministry of youth and sports of the Republic of Tatarstan.
The purpose of school is to prepare participants for the municipal, regional and all-Russian Olympiads in mathematics (6-7 class), social studies (7-11 class) and computer science (7-11 class).
The school brings together the leading experts in these subjects from the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as invited speakers from other regions of Russia.
Mathematics: Rustem Fakhriddinovich the candidate of technical Sciences, Chairman of the Republic subjects committee of exam in mathematics, the expert with the highest category.
Computer science: Kamil Ravilevich Kadiev ,the head of Olimpiad centre of KFU, the trainer of KFU teams programming, the medalist of programming of the world Championship.
Social studies: Maxim Valeryevich Voronin ,the candidate of legal Sciences, the Professor of Kazan Federal University, the head of additional education center of Kazan Federal University.