The Olimpiad training school “Selet-Olymp”
The school brings together the leading experts in these subjects from the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as invited speakers from other regions of Russia.
The Educational laboratory “Sanak-lab”
The educational program includes preparation for computer programming competitions, studying of computer linguistics and speech technologies, web-development and robotics; the creation of mobile applications and computer games, the study of 3d-modeling.
The “Atlant” Chess club
Project goal: - actualization of intellectual games and their popularization among young people, through special classes on individual games for children interested in Board games. Project objectives: - promotion of board games among young people, involvement in systematic classes; - identification of gifted children and talented youth.
The Discussion club in Tatar language “Besnen fiker!”
The goalof the Club is to support gifted children and talented youth. The objectives of the Club: - identification of gifted young people; - development of analytical thinking, oratorical skills, communicative and managerial competence of participants; - formation of public initiative and active citizenship; - popularization of youth debates in the Republic of Tatarstan; - formation of a culture of public speaking among young people; - popularization of the Tatar language and culture.
Interregional Forum of Intellectual Creativity of Children and Youth “Agyydel”
The Forum is aimed at the creation of a resource expert environment for the improvement of projects and their development into unique product technologies.
Interregional Tent Camp The “Bolgar – Tugan Tel”
The programme of the camp is focused on the immersion into the Tatar culture and language and on mastering the skills of practical use of the Tatar language in various spheres of life.
Tatarstan Republic Festival of Talented Children and Youth “Iske Kazan”
Every year the educational programme of the Festival includes meetings with famous historians, scientists and workers of art and culture.