Official Opening Ceremony of the II Kazan OIC Youth Entrepreneurship Forum

On 16th of May, 2016 at 9:30am Kazan IT park has hosted an official Opening Ceremony of the II Kazan OIC Youth Entrepreneurship Forum.
The Opening Ceremony of the Forum occurred in the IT park in Kazan, which holds the most advanced technologies. The opening ceremony included the honorable guests, which are listed below: H.E. Pavel Krasnorutskiy – Chairman of the Russian Union of Youth; H.E. Marat Bariev – Parliamentarian of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation V and VI convocations; H.E.Elmaddin Mehdiyev – General Director Islamic of the Conference Youth Forum For Dialogue and Cooperation (ICYF-DC); H.E. Taliya Minullina – Chief Executive of the Tatarstan Investment Development Agency; H.E. Anton Grachev – Director of the High technology park "IT-park"; H.E.Rustam Garifullin – Deputy minister of youth affairs and sports of the Republic of Tatarstan.
A day before Kazan has hosted the members from Russian Federation and from more than other 20 countries, who are also part of the Islamic Cooperation Organisation. While guests were in the city they have met with the head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, "Rosmolodezh", Mr. Sergei Pospelov and have already presented him some of participants' projects. Moreover, they have visited the Innopplis-the town of the high technologies.
From Elmaddin Mehtiev's words the Forum of the young entrepreneurs of OIC is very important for the adolescence generation, because first of all it strengths the intergovernmental relations. Second of all, it is a good start for anyone, who is yet a young entrepreneur and third of all, gives an opportunity for the members of the Forum to find an investor in a very short time.
After the Opening Ceremony and Network Sessions, members have had another an educational session "Customer Development" from Alexander Eremeev. The guests were given the opportunity of to learn about how to open your own business. From his own words: "When people develop their own business, they think more about the product that they want to create instead of thinking what the consumers may want. The educational session "Customer Development" teaches young entrepreneurs and verifies that it covered both the customers and owners interests".
After the productive day the guests have also had a chance to dive into Tatar culture and its old history.