Interregional Forum of Intellectual Creativity of Children and Youth “Agyydel”

The “Agyydel” Forum is held since 2014 on the territory of the Aktanyshsky municipal
district on the bank of the Belaya River in the format of a tent town. Its participants are
schoolchildren from Tatarstan and other regions of Russia.
The subject of the Forum is project management. The unique programme of the Forum
allows each participant to answer such questions as “What is a project and how to create
it?”, “How to make your project unique and technological?”, “What opportunities exist for
the implementation of my project?” Within the educational programme the participants
(schoolchildren of 8-11 grades) have meetings with scientists and businesspersons, heads
of science and technology parks and innovative enterprises.
The Forum is aimed at the creation of a resource expert environment for the improvement
of projects and their development into unique product technologies.
district on the bank of the Belaya River in the format of a tent town. Its participants are
schoolchildren from Tatarstan and other regions of Russia.
The subject of the Forum is project management. The unique programme of the Forum
allows each participant to answer such questions as “What is a project and how to create
it?”, “How to make your project unique and technological?”, “What opportunities exist for
the implementation of my project?” Within the educational programme the participants
(schoolchildren of 8-11 grades) have meetings with scientists and businesspersons, heads
of science and technology parks and innovative enterprises.
The Forum is aimed at the creation of a resource expert environment for the improvement
of projects and their development into unique product technologies.